Please note that Centre for Skills will be closed for Family Day on Monday, February 17, 2025.
We will resume regular working hours on Tuesday, February 18, 2025.

COVID-19 Response

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month!

Oct 16, 2019

#October is National #Disability Employment Awareness Month! The goal during this month is to increase #awareness of the positive outcomes of #hiring persons with #disabilities in #Canada.

We are proud partners of The Job Centre, who work out of our #Burlington site every Tuesday and Thursday. The Job Centre provides a range of #employment supports to #youth and #adults with physical, #mentalhealth#autism spectrum disorder, learning disabilities, hard of hearing and visual impairment individuals in #Halton#Peel and #Waterloo regions.

Helping clients with employment plans, #job placements, job coaching, job retention and self-employment feasibility plans, The Job Centre uses a personalized approach to assist people with disabilities acquire the necessary tools for #career success!

"I've been in a #wheelchair all my life, and frankly did not
expect to get a great job with a steady paycheque, but The
Job Centre made that happen for me! I work in a call centre
​and love coming to work."

Learn more about The Job Centre at:

To set up an appointment, call 1-800-350-8361 today!